Our Listeners Stories
About Golgotha Radio
Traditional Terrestrial (AM/FM)
Rock Radio plays primarily secular (non-Christian) artist's songs, with a few
songs from Christian cross-over artists such as Skillet, P.O.D., Stryper,
etc. Golgotha
Radio is flipping the script by playing primarily Christian Rock
with some secular cross-over artists/songs. Our vision is to offer a
positive alternative or counterbalance to secular Rock Radio, by creating a
Station that's intended to be enjoyed by anyone that loves great Rock/Metal,
with an emphasis on positive, quality & thought-provoking lyrical content
from Christian bands & bands with a Christian undertone (i.e. bands that
may not necessarily identify as Christian but may have Christian members
&/or Christian friendly/leaning lyrical content in their music. Creed is a really
good example of this).
IN fact, several well-known and
respected secular bands have even written songs based on parts of the Bible. For example, Metallica's "Creeping Death" is based on the story of
the Passover from Exodus 12. Similarly, their song "The Four
Horsemen" is about The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse written about in
Revelation 6. There are also several musicians from secular Rock/Metal bands
that have become Christians over the years, such as Alice Cooper & members
of Megadeth, KORN & W.A.S.P., etc. - just to name a few.
On Golgotha Radio you won't find any
"suggestive" songs that promote drinking, sex & drugs, or
cussing... you may find songs that refer to these things but only from a
standpoint of being set free from their grip. For "As It Is Written, There
Is None Righteous, No, Not One", "For ALL Have Sinned & Fall
Short Of The Glory Of GOD" (Romans 3:10 & Romans 3:23). The
primary genres you will hear on Golgotha Radio are Rock, Hard Rock,
Heavy Metal & various sub-genres that go with them, with
some Instrumentals thrown in. There is a major emphasis on Christian
Rock/Metal bands & bands with a Christian undertone, but it's not about
this band or that, Golgotha Radio is ALL about
celebrating GOD & the wonderful GOD-given gift of music.
What it all boils down to is
this; being both a Christian & a Rocker. I'm doing what I feel GOD would
have me do & honoring him with Golgotha Radio by putting my experience,
knowledge & love of music to work in an attempt to create the Hottest
Christian-Based Rock Radio Station on the Planet. I believe that music is an
incredible gift from GOD & I created a Radio Station full of what I
personally consider to be great songs & a Station that I would enjoy
listening to...& I hope that you do to.
I sincerely hope you enjoy & appreciate the diversity & vast variety of great music that I've put together for you to listen too on Golgotha Radio as I consistently add to, adjust the rotations & improve the station!
Thanks for listening, be sure to download the APP & ask ALEXA to play Golgotha Radio.
GOD Bless, & more than anything remember...GOD Rocks!
If there's a song you would like added to the playlist feel free to submit it in the form at the bottom of any page & it will b considered, if there's something you don't particularly think should be on the playlist let us know through the Contact page, just please be sure to give a valid reason as to why you think it shouldn't be there, one that has to do with the intended format of Golgotha Radio, not just because you don't personally like it.
If you're an independent Christian band or band with a Christian undertone that would like exposure & airplay on Golgotha Radio, feel free to submit your music for consideration through the Contact page.
However, please know that just because someone submits their music, or wants something added or doesn't like something, this doesn't mean it's going to be added or removed, we will strictly adhere to the intended format for Golgotha Radio.

Bio & Inspiration
I've been a Christian most of
my life & I'm sharing my faith through my Love of music. I'm certainly
not perfect, but I've grown in my walk with GOD over the years. I'm
currently involved in the audio/video department of my church, & my number
one goal is that everyone would come to know & love Jesus like I do!
I have 30+ years of experience
in Traditional Terrestrial Radio & TV & I have a deep love,
appreciation & knowledge of the Entertainment Industry. However, Music has
always been my first & biggest entertainment love.
After hearing
"Eruption" by Eddie Van Halen I was hooked! I had never heard
anything like it & I felt I had to learn the guitar, which eventually I
did, though I didn't actually get my first guitar until I was 20. That guitar
was the first of many! As a singer/guitarist & a Christian, I am most fond
of guitar-oriented music with great lyrics & melodic power vocals -
primarily Rock & The Blues...after all The Blues birthed Rock-n-Roll. My
deep love of these two genres spans everything from today's top artists, all
the way back to the pioneering greats like "The King of Rock-n-Roll"
Elvis Presley (my Mom's favorite artist) & Blues legend Robert Johnson.
The Guitarist Steve Vai once
said that he felt the truest music fans were Radio DJs, because aside from
musicians, they make playing music their careers. That describes me well, I
suppose. I started out as a DJ in a few Rock & Dance Clubs & went to
work at several Top Radio Stations. I've also held positions in Radio & TV,
including Promotions, Programming & Management, etc. As a
musician I've played on a few big stages over the years, with some pretty
big-name bands & have been to way too many concerts to count (the most
spectacular show I've seen was Prince - a true musical genius)
What most people don't realize is that my musical tastes vary greatly - from
Symphonic Classical (Beethoven being my favorite) to, of course, Hard
Rock/Heavy Metal, & almost everything in between. I say "almost
everything" because I'm not particularly fond of Rap & Country music, &
though I appreciate the technical aspects, I am not into most hardcore screaming or
growling "cookie monster" vocals in Metal, though some heavier stuff
(when done tastefully in combination with power or melodic vocals) can be real cool. The band SevenDust & Christian artist Demon Hunter are great examples
of this. However, regardless of my personal taste I will always give credit
where credit is due. There are many incredibly talented artists I respect, even
if their songs are not to my tastes.
Ultimately, I've always hoped
that my experiences in Radio & my love of music would lead to me owning my
own Radio Station. In 2018, I gathered my knowledge, experience, & a couple
of my entertainment/music loving friends, & put together a live-steaming,
fan interactive, interview show with entertainment news, events & special
guests called The
Sound Affect (you can watch all the shows on YouTube at The Sound Affect Show.) I also began discussing &
researching the idea of doing a 4-hour Christian Rock/Metal Show called Golgotha on an Internet Rock/Metal
Radio Station...but in early 2020 it all came to an end. Over the crazy year
that was 2020, I contemplated restarting The Sound Affect out of my house, along
with my own Internet Radio Station & having the Golgotha show as
an all day event on Sunday. As I began discovering, gathering
& listening to more & more great Christian Rock/Metal bands &
songs, I ultimately felt led by GOD to flip the idea around & not just do a
show, but an entire Christian-based Rock Radio Station, having an emphasis on
positive, quality, & thought-provoking lyrical content.
Thus Golgotha Radio was born.
I sincerely hope you enjoy Golgotha Radio, be sure to download the APP & ask ALEXA to play Golgotha Radio. (Both are coming real soon)
Todd T. Riley