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Golgotha Radio - Streem Lion

Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.   Philippians 4:8

What’s The Matter?

What’s The Matter?

6-26-22   1p

Todd T. Riley



Words Matter,

Actions Matter,

ALL Lives Matter!



What's The Matter with ALL that?

It's merely stating Facts!


Or do Truthful Facts not Matter anymore?

Has Truth become something to abhor?

Does Character Not Matter Anymore?


What's The Matter with this World?


It's been flipped on it's head...

Up is Down, Left is Right,

Evil is Good, Dark is Light!

& if U can't see it...

Something ain't right!


The Creatures of Evil,

No longer Only come out at night,

Oh No... they're right there,

In plain sight.

For ALL the World to see.


But can U?

Can U see What's Truly Wrong,

& What's Truly Right?


Are U consumed by the Dark,

Instead of the Light?



Beam me up Scotty,

This Planet Sucks!

No taking responsibility,

Let's pass the buck!

Moral Values,

Have gone out the door,

& Mother Earth,

Is treated like a Whore!


Survival of the Fittest,

Has become the name of the game,

Somehow, it's now,

Do Unto Others for Personal Gain!


ALL Over The World,

People are being used as Political Pawns.

It's a Big Game of Chess,

That Is So Very Wrong!


The Powerful Elites,

Don't give a crap about Me & U.

All that Matters to Them,

Is that U support Their Worldwide Coup!


The Rich Control The Governments;

Big Tech; The Media; The Law.

& it's certainly NOT,

For the benefit of ALL!

If U think they aren't lying & manipulating U,

Then I stand here in Awe!


Come Out of Your Bubble!


If U Open your brainwashed eyes,

U can plainly see,

NOTHING They Want,

Is beneficial for U & Me!


Mark my words,

We're ALL in the fight of our lives,

The Battle of:

What's Wrong & What's Right.


Good vs Evil,

Is Really the name of the Game,

Even if U don't believe,

The results are still the same!


U may say:

"But I don't believe in GOD'!


But do U believe in Moral absolutes?

What's Right & What's Wrong,

& Basic Moral Truths?


If so,

I ask U this...

Where Do U Think That Comes From?



Without GOD,

There is NO True "Law of the Land"!

It's what we make of it,

& ANYTHING stands!


If there is No GOD,

It IS,

Survival of the Fittest!

Game On,

Who can win it?

It IS,

Do Unto Others for Personal Gain,

It doesn't Matter if it causes Pain!


Party Hard for tomorrow we Die!

& Die we ALL shall!


The question is:

When THAT happens,

Is it Heaven, or is it Hell?


Being a "good person" isn't enough,

We've ALL done wrong in our lives,

Everyone Sucks!


Don't think so?


Have U Ever told a lie?

Have U Ever done something,

That made someone cry?

Have U Ever done something,

That U regret?

Have U Ever had,

A bad thought come into your head?

Hate Is Death!



LOVE IS the path to Truth,

It IS the reason for Moral Absolutes!

It's The ONLY thing that conquers Hate,

On this there simply is No Debate!


LOVE will NEVER tell a lie,

LOVE will NEVER make U cry!

...Unless it's tears of Joy of course,

I can think of Many things that are worse!


LOVE will ALWAYS have your back,

LOVE will NEVER be on the attack!


LOVE's not in U,

If U won't Forgive.

& If That's the case,

You'll Never Win!

Show Me Your Perfection,

If U think THAT's not a Sin!


So, step out of the Dark,

& Turn towards the Light,

For ONLY in Truth,

Will U find What's Right!


What's The Matter with this World?


U Tell Me!